Video Games Live!

I just recently got back from the “Video Games Live!” concert. In short, it was AMAZING. If they are performing in your local area, no, your state I highly recommend you take the effort to make it to one of their shows. It’s an all day event of games, contests, and meeting other gamers that’s capped off with a fun and amazing performance.

July 11, 2009 · Alex

Farseer Physics in Blitzmax Demo

Hurray! Finially got to a stable stopping point in porting over Farseer Physics from C# on XNA to Blitzmax! Farseer Physics Engine is a 2D physics engine originally written by Jeff Weber who develops XNA/Silverlight games over at Farseer Games. Much thanks to him for creating a great physics engine and for allowing me to move it to another language, which once done, I hope will help others create fun physics games in Blitzmax....

May 17, 2008 · Alex